New Quality Business magazine out now - 2020 Issue 4
3 December 2020
Issue 4 of Quality Business Magazine for 2020 has just been released. This is a special bumper issue to celebrate World Quality Day, with lots of interesting content around the theme of the day “Creating Customer Value”. The magazine includes a series of related articles on the theme, including: Elements of Value, the concept of QVRC (Quality balance between Value, Risk and Cost) and more.
Qudos is a corporate member of AOQ (Australian Organisation for Quality). As such, we are delighted to have contributed another article to Quality Business Magazine. The article explains how to ensure a clear customer focus when developing an 'Interested parties' table.
ISO 9001 Clause 4.2 requires organizations to determine the needs and expectations of interested parties. Doing that well can bring very tangible benefits to a business. The article illustrates a best practice model of an 'Interested parties' table. By exploring the needs and expectations of key customer cohorts, the table may become an important part of your strategic planning. It can help you identify and grasp new opportunities in the rapidly changing business environment.
We will shortly publish an extended version of the article in this blog.
AOQ members can obtain the electronic edition of this magazine via email link or access it at the AOQ website. Print copies will also be distributed shortly. For others, Join AOQ today to receive your copy.
Interested Parties templates are available now in ISO 9001 Quality Toolkit.
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