ISO 45001 OHS Management System Software Toolkit
The cost-effective solution to developing your OHSMS
There are increasing demands on organisations to protect the health and safety of their workers. Those demands are enshrined in legislation and various codes of practice, and penalties for noncompliance are also increasing. Therefore, it is now more important than ever for business owners and managers to put all the necessary controls in place to make the workplace safer and demonstrate due diligence. The accepted way to do that is with an OHSMS - or Health and Safety management system.
ISO 45001 Safety Toolkit will help you to understand requirements and then plan and document your own system.
The toolkit is ideal for new systems or updating from legacy standards such as OHSAS 18001 or AS/NZS 4801.

Improve your understanding of OHS and ISO 45001
The first step to developing a standards-based system, is to have a clear understanding of the basic concepts, and the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard. Fortunately, ISO 45001 Safety Toolkit includes a remarkable eBook that explains basic concepts and provides guidance in plain English!
Of course, the eBook has a chapter on the requirements of each clause in the standard. Each chapter includes a Summary of ISO 45001 requirements. This is followed by a detailed Discussion on the implications of those requirements, References to applicable clauses in ISO 45001 and other compliance standards, One or more Case studies, an itemised Activity plan, and links to numerous sample documents and other tools. Wow!
In addition, a series of smart training presentations will also help you learn more about OHS management, plus techniques and protocols for internal audits, risk management, and management review.

Plan your OHSMS with confidence
The required tasks need to be identified and planned to successfully develop a system within a reasonable timeframe. Naturally, ISO 45001 Safety Toolkit provides the tools for the job. These include:
Gap Analysis Tools. These re exhaustive checklists to self-assess how your existing arrangements measure up to the requirements of ISO 45001. Then, use them to outline what enhancements will be made to comply with the standard. Alternative versions are provided for a OHSMS using Qudos 3 software, a standard OHSMS, and an IMS (Integrated Management System)
The Gap Anaysis document will be your most valuable aid in planning your system.
The System Project Plan divides the project into 5 key stages for:
- Understanding.
- Planning.
- Documentation.
- Implementation.
- Verification.
It then provides a timeline for each itemised component within those stages. The 5 stages align with the Activity Plans in relevant chapters of the ISO 45001 Safety Toolkit eBook.

Save time documenting your system
The standard has some compulsory requirements for documentation - while other documents are optional.
Documenting a management system can be one of the most time-consuming aspects. However, the good news is that's just one more area where ISO 45001 Safety Toolkit scores heavily! Its comprehensive pack of sample documents are designed by a team of qualified OHS management consultants and auditors - ready for easy customizing using Microsoft Word.
Samples include all the documents needed to meet the mandatory requirements of the standard. The selection facilitates options for systems that integrate Environmental, OHS, and Quality management.
A series of OHS-related Policies are provided.
Sample Procedures include:
- Records management
- Corrective action
- Internal audits
- Incident management
- Return to work
- Risk management
- Emergency response
- Maintaining awareness of Legal requirements
Some procedures are in a traditional text format, and others include flow charts. While remaining perfectly suited for printing, the sample procedures in ISO 45001 Safety Toolkit have also been optimised for on-screen viewing. They incorporate Navigation View or Document Map features to provide easy navigation via automated hyperlinks.

Helping you put your OHSMS into practice
Your system needs to be implemented and checked that it is working effectively. Forms and checklists help to prompt action and are essential to record what took place. As you might expect, ISO 45001 Safety Toolkit is full of ready-made samples for you to choose from. They include:
- Accident / Incident report
- Risk assessment
- PPE assessment
- Induction checklist
- Training record
- Competency checklist
- Audit schedule
- Emergency contact list
- Meeting minutes
- First aid box checklist
- and many more...
While most of the templates are provided for printed use, some examples are also optimised for on-screen completion using Form Fields.
It is likely that you will need to communicate with employees, customers, and other interested parties about your management system. ISO 45001 Safety Toolkit includes numerous sample Letters and memos for various OHS-related subjects. These may be used to help ensure a consistent approach to communications.
How can you get ISO 45001 Safety Toolkit?
ISO 45001 Safety Toolkit is exclusively available in Qudos 3 - the comprehensive software solution for an effective and efficient OHSMS or IMS (integrated management system also addressing quality, environment, and other compliance and risk topics).
Contact us now for details.