The journey from a QMS to an IMS - Part 1

Reasons for expanding and integrating a management system
March 2024.
There is a growing trend to expand and integrate management systems. In some cases, an organization has an existing management system for one topic (let's say Quality - based on ISO 9001), and it now needs to also formally address another topic (e.g. any of the other ISO standards). The desire to also address and possibly be certified to other standards may be market driven. It may perhaps be that the Business Development team becomes aware of requirements in more tender invitations. There may even be one or more key clients stating their increased requirements going forward.
Another scenario is where an organization has historically addressed two or more compliance topics separately but now wants to integrate them for improved cost-effectiveness.
Whatever the reason, the trend is definitely happening and we are often asked by our clients to assist them on the journey from a single-topic management system to one covering two or more topics.
We thought that many people would benefit from insights into making the journey, and this article is the first of a short series that we trust you will find useful and informative.
Join us on the journey from a QMS to an IMS
We are currently working with several clients on this journey, and one of them has kindly agreed to be our case study scenario. The company in question is Allmet Engineering - a steel fabrication business in Queensland, Australia.
The background to our case study
For background information, Allmet has been established for over 30 years and provides a range of engineering and fabrication services to business clients in industries that include mining and resources, transport, oil and gas etc. Several years ago, Allmet engaged Qudos to help develop its BMS (Business Management System) and achieve ISO 9001 Quality certification. We initially provided a Gap Analysis service, followed by ongoing consultancy to establish, implement and maintain the system. This service includes the scheduling, performing and recording of internal audits. It is facilitated by the use of Qudos3 IMS software to efficiently and cost-effectively support the system in the cloud. ISO 9001 certification was successfully achieved that year, and the system has continued to improve with certification maintained. OHS and Environmental policies are in place, as well as controls to ensure a safe and healthy workplace that meets legal compliance.
Making the decision
Recently, key clients have been requiring more information about those OHS and Environmental controls, and consideration was given to the best solution to aligning with their compliance requirements into the future. Qudos was able to provide some cost / benefit guidance, and the decision was made to transition the management system from a QMS to an IMS covering all 3 topics now, and possible expansion to also include ISO 27001 compliance at a later date.
Allmet General Manager, Mick Troutman says: "Allmet considered that a formal system that met the relevant ISO standards would help ensure our long-term compliance and demonstrate our commitment to the environment and the health and safety of our workers".
Taking the first step
The first step taken was to conduct a Gap Analysis of the existing QMS against the requirements of both ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. This is nearly always the recommended first step as it illustrates where the organization would currently stand in terms of its compliance to the relevant standard. Once that information is known, you can have a much clearer picture of what is already compliant, how far there is to go, and how long the journey may take. The Gap Analysis should always be very honest. It doesn't matter how many red crosses are on the report on day 1. You need to know the truth in order to turn them around to green ticks when it comes to your certification audit.
There is a great deal of commonality in the requirements between the latest ISO management system standards. It could be said that the standards have been standardised! So, you may be pleasantly surprised to find out that many of your QMS controls will also work perfectly well for other topics.
An organization may choose to do the Gap Analysis in-house or it may choose to engage a consultant. The analysis should result in an itemised report against all the requirements of the relevant standard(s). Qudos3 IMS software clients have Gap Analysis checklists for all the most popular ISO management system standards in the software's Audits module.
Why use a consultant?
In Allmet's case, they engaged us to perform the analysis in November 2023. A report was duly provided by Qudos consultants Kelane Kelly and Phil McKerrell against ISO 14001 / ISO 45001 - followed by Action plans to address the gaps.
Once again, here is Allmet General Manager, Mick Troutman: "Allmet felt that utilizing consultants gave us the advantage of their professional guidance based on their knowledge and previous experience. It meant that the analysis itself was most cost-effective and Allmet could be very confident in the resulting strategies to address any gaps identified".
The next steps in the journey
Over the coming weeks and months, we will be publishing more articles on key steps in the journey from a QMS to an IMS. Every situation is a little bit different, but we hope that these articles will highlight those key steps and how they can be taken. Our case study will illustrate how the journey works out for one business. It's very much a live journey. While we have every confidence in a successful outcome, the journey has only just begun. Follow us to join in.
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