Qudos Club March newsletter published
Qudos Club March newsletter published
March 2024.
Qudos Club is all about helping you with your management system. It's topic-neutral - supporting subjects like Quality, Information Security, OHS, and Environmental management. It includes news, articles, webinar access and resources. These are all provided by recognised experts in the relevant fields at no cost. Whether you need to establish a new system, maintain, expand, or improve an existing one, there will definitely be something here for you.
Qudos Club newsletters are generally published on a monthly bases and include articles relating to ISO management system standards and management systems in general. They also include templates or resources that relates to the subjects discussed in the articles. The latest Qudos Club newsletter has been published and includes:
- Article on ISO Surprise amendment to its management system standards
Yes, that's right. ISO has amended all management system certification standards. This article discusses the changes and what you should do. - A PESTEL analysis template to download and utilise to help meet the new ISO requirements
A PESTEL or situational analysis is used as part of strategic planning for a management system. This template will greatly assist the process. - Article on Quality Manuals
The venerable old Quality Manual. Does it still have a role in modern management systems? - Links to cyber security webinar recordings
Qudos has presented many webinars on cyber / information security. - Qudos IMS software news
Information on new features in our flagship IMS software.
New members will be eligible to attend future webinars, will be sent future newsletters and a copy of the most recent newsletter.
If you are an existing Qudos Club member and would like to suggest a topic for a future newsletter article, we would love to hear from you. Please use the email link in any previous newsletter to email us with your suggestion.
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Headline photo courtesy of Maxim Ilyahov on Unsplash