Webinars for better management sytems - March / April 2022
Qudos announces its management system webinars for March / April 2022.
Webinar - March 2022:
ISO 27001 Information Security in plain English
It seems that every day another information security incident makes the news. Now, more and more organizations are implementing an ISMS (information security management systems) to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their information. ISO 27001 is an international certification standard that specifies requirements for an ISMS, and is fast becoming the industry-standard model. This is especially true for organizations that are seeking certification to maintain or gain access to markets. The subject and its terminology can certainly be a little daunting. So, we aim to cut through that in this webinar - which is a plain english introduction to the standard.
This webinar is the launchpad for a weekly blog on information security where we will work through all the clauses and controls in ISO 27001. A great starting point for developing your ISMS.
Wednesday 23rd March 2022
1:30PM AEST / 2:30PM AEDT
Please check time zone differences for other locations.
Cost $0
Webinar - April 2022: Even more flexibility with new features in Qudos3 Actions and Meetings modules
Qudos is delighted to announce the latest webinar exclusively for our Qudos3 IMS software clients. Qudos3 has the flexibility to help you address a wide range of compliance standards including:
- ISO 9001 Quality Management
- ISO 45001 OHS Management
- ISO 14001 Environmental Management
- ISO 27001 Information Security Management
The Actions module is its real engine room and can play a vital role in the success of your management system - helping you address a wide range of issues such as:
- Nonconformances
- Complaints handling
- Hazard identification
- Incidents
- Improvement suggestions
- Requests for information
- Security breaches
- Root cause analysis
- Corrective action
The latest new features help to make it even more flexible and powerful than ever before. Join us to learn about the latest new features in both the Actions and Meetings modules.
Thurssday 21st April 2022
Please check time zone differences for other locations.
Cost $0
More webinars for better management systems
These events are part of our 'Webinars for a better management system' programme. Further Webinars will be held in future months. Click here to receive notifications.
Thanks to Chris Montgomery, Unsplash, and Qudos Dev. Team for images