Self-Host Downloads Portal
General information on support options
Help files
Qudos3 has an extensive Help system with numerous "How to..." sections that explain key activities. The Help system is available from the Help menu within the application, and also from a hyperlink on the Welcome page.
Most lists and data entry forms within Qudos3 also offer context-sensitive help. This an invaluable tool that takes you directly to the Help file referring to the list or form that you are using. That Help file will also include a link to guide you through relevant activities. In most cases, when in a list or form, you may press the F1 function key to get context-sensitive Help. On some devices, it may be necessary to press Fn + F1.
A series of training and product information videos are available for download from Qudos3 menu item Help / Resource Centre / Videos.
Qudos frequently host Expresso webinars. These generally cover new software features or other key topics. They are available to all Qudos3 users. News on forthcoming webinars and recordings of some previous ones are available in Qudos3 menu item Help / Resource Centre / Webinars.
Email notifications
Product update and information emails are sent to your nominated contacts. Please ensure that you keep us updated with your current contacts.
Technical Support Articles
A series of Tech Support Articles are available within the Qudos3 Help system and Qudos3 menu item Help / Resource Centre / Articles. Unless otherwise stated, these articles are based on the latest version of the software.
Admin Guide
PDF document that covers installation and setup. This is available in the Resource Centre and to nominated contacts for our self-hosted clients via the Downloads page.
Direct Support
Direct technical support is available to nominated contact person(s) for current maintenance subscribers only. A nominated contact person may request direct support by email, or by using the Technical Support Request Form.
Professional services
In addition to the wide range of software support options above, Qudos also has a team of qualified and experienced consultants that can assist in the development, update, and maintenance of your management system. They can combine their industry experience with unrivalled knowledge of your software system to help achieve the optimal results for you.