New Training module for Qudos 3 IMS software

30 November 2020 | Qudos is proud to announce that the comprehensive Qudos3 IMS software has been updated with some great new features.
The powerful Training module is a terrific solution for managing your workers' training and licences. That's a critical part of ISO 45001 OHS and ISO 9001 Quality and other management systems. The Training module is a fully-integrated part of what is fast becoming the leading, cost-effective IMS software solution.
New Training Module features
New Training Events can be quickly added from Templates or 'on the fly' to capture those one-off events.
Events are added to the 'To-do list list' for nominated participants - prompting automated reminders.
The Training Event form has Notes and Attachments tabs that combine to provide an almost unlimited capacity for further information.
Any event can be set with a specific refresh / expiry date. Once again, this will prompt automatic reminders.
Multiple report options are also available. Such as: Overall Events List, Events during Time Period, Events by Participant, Refresher or Renewal by Person, by Date or by Subject and more. Reports may also be filtered by relevant criteria such as Topic, the participants' Business Unit, Location, and other factors.
This great new Training module is available to all our cloud-hosted clients right now. It will be released to self-hosted clients in early 2021.
Cntact us now on to find out more and get an online demonstration of Qudos3 software
Qudos 3 IMS software for a Faster, Better, Smarter Management System.
Contact us now to discuss your needs.

Monitor image courtesy of John Sconobrich and