Qudos announce new ISO 45001 Gap Analysis Tool
7 February 2019

ISO did not have an OHS management system certification standard for many years. Instead, many countries went about developing their own national standards. However, all that changed with the publication of ISO 45001.
The new ISO 45001 is now being adopted around the world. For a start, BSI immediately announced that the new standard would replace BS / OHSAS 18001. Other national standards bodies are also following suit. Certification bodies have been busy getting themselves accredited to deliver certification services for the new standard.
The good news is that ISO 45001 is closely aligned with the current versions of other management system standards (such as ISO9001 Quality, ISO14001 Environment, and ISO27001 Information Security). This provides a great opportunity to more efficiently build an integrated management system. As a result, some organizations are now seeking OHS certification for the first time.
Taking the first step
The first step is the same whether you are seeking OHS certification for the first time OR updating from an older standard like BS/OHSAS 18001 or AS/NZS 4801. That first step is to conduct a Gap Analysis . In other words, a check of the current system and controls against the requirements of ISO45001. The analysis can be performed in-house or with the help of a professional consultant. Either way, a Gap Analysis checklist is required.
New, fully-integrated Gap Analysis Tool
Qudos has published just such a Gap Analysis checklist for some time now. It's part of the ISO 45001 Safety Toolkit included in Qudos Club and Qudos 3 IMS software. We are now proud to announce the release of the fully integrated Gap Analysis software tool in Qudos 3. This offers a full ISO 45001 checklist with verification and results fields. In addition, they may each be linked to independently-assigned Actions to address the gaps identified. These Actions may be easily monitored for progress until the gaps are closed out. This powerful tool is available now to all Qudos 3 users. It is just the first of a series of Gap Analysis tools for ISO management system standards.
Click here to download an introduction to ISO 45001.
Contact us for further details about the new Gap Analysis tool or for help in making the transition to ISO 45001.