Asset management in Qudos 3 IMS software
26 May 2021

Asset management is becoming an increasingly important area of management systems. For example, the ISO 27001 Information Security standard includes specific requirements for the control of assets (Annex control A8). The subject is also very relevant to the 7.1 Resources clause as well as other clauses in standards such as ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 45001 OHS etc.
Qudos is therefore excited to announce the inclusion of a dedicated Asset Management module in Qudos 3 - the trusted solution for integrated management systems.
Flexibility to manage physical and information assets
The new Qudos 3 Assets module is designed to help you to more effectively manage both physical and information assets. This flexibility is unlike most asset management applications. A key advantage of this approach is to make the new module suitable for many different compliance and risk management purposes - such as OHS and Information Security management.
The primary component of the new Asset module is, of course, the Asset Register. You may filter the register at any time to display only those assets that fit selected criteria. From the register, you may list new assets, copy existing ones, or open them. All data may also be exported in Microsoft Excel format. Each Asset Record has multiple fields to describe the asset. For example, its name, type, serial number, location, responsible person, key users, and so much more. The Asset Record also faciliates links to tasks (such as checking, maintenance or calibration activities). As always in Qudos 3, the responsible person is automatically notified of those tasks, and they are automatically included in statistical and graphical dashboards. All in all, a very exciting development!
The new Asset module will be released to our cloud-hosted clients next weekend. We are really enthused about this significant, new asset management capability in Qudos 3 IMS software. It's just one of a whole series of enhancements to be released over the next few months.
Further information on Asset management?
Please contact us if you would like any further information on including Asset management within your management system.