
Management System News and Events

For people working on management systems based on ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, and ISO 14001

Compliance to various ISO standards is  becoming more important than ever, and its vital that your system should work smarter for you.

At Qudos, we are passionate about helping you do just that. We'll keep you up to date on the latest developments. Call or email now for further information.

Image for ISO Clause 6.2 Objectives

Live LinkedIn webinar - Top tips for smarter objectives

Setting Objectives is a requirement of all ISO management system standards - regardless of the topic. So, in conjunction with Southpac Certifications, we recently hosted a LinkedIn Live webinar with our top tips on setting smarter objectives for your organisation. A recording of the is available to all LinkedIn users.

View Recording in LinkedIn.

One of the toughest parts of setting new objectives is sometimes just getting started. We have put together an extra resource for you that not only explains the essential concepts but also includes a collection of 50 Example Objectives for management systems across various topics.

Download 50 Example Objectives for management systems

Qudos3 IMS software v3.47C Release  

January 2025

Qudos is thrilled to announce the release for the latest version of Qudos3 IMS software v3.47C to all cloud service clients. The update will take place over the weekend of 25/26 January. While Qudosalready offers a very comprehensive solution for management systems, we continue to further upgrade its functionality. Details are available on request.

Context Management system starting point
Context of the organisation: Context Management system starting point

Live LinkedIn webinar - Context: The starting point for every management system  

This webinar took place on Wednesday 27 November 2024 and was a new initiative in conjunction with Southpac Certifications. It was a live LinkedIn webinar open to all LinkedIn users to participate and view.

View Recording in LinkedIn.

Webinar 'ICT readiness for Business continuity'  

Thank you to everyone who joined us on our webinar series presented on behalf of the Queensland Government.

The final webinar explored the role played by ICT in ensuring successful business continuity and disaster recovery in the face of adverse environmental or man-made events.

For anyone who missed it, here is a recording. Follow us on LinkedIn to receive notification of this and our future webinars.

Webinar 'Information security in the use of cloud services'

There are many advantages to  cloud services and as a result, their use is becoming almost universal. Maintaining information in the use of cloud services is now of vital importance. Qudos recently delivered a webinar on the topic on behalf of the Queensland Government in which we discussed the key issues and practical steps that can be taken. The webinar had a live audience of several hundred people and a recording is now available on YouTube.

Queensland Government ISMS services announcement

Qudos is delighted to announce that a Standing Offer Arrangement is now in place between the State of Queensland acting through its DCHDE  and Qudos Management Pty Ltd. More details...

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