Introducing Qudos 3.36


16 November 2018

Qudos is delighted to announce the latest version of Qudos 3 - the leading IMS (Integrated Management System) software application. This builds on recent updates to add even more functionality and facilitate a high level of collaboration in many areas.

Faster. Better. Smarter Management System

Here are some of the enhancements that we have prepared for you...

Better manage your Actions

The new Notes tab facilitates continuous progress notes, and collaboration. The Assigned person gets automatically notified by email when a Note is added by any user other than themselves.

Prompts on where to consider similar issues and root cause analysis / corrective action are also incorporated.

Better manage your Objectives

The new Actions tab facilitates multiple actions being directly raised from and linked to an Objective. This makes it possible to use an Objective as a project management tool where a single over-arching Objective can lead to a whole range of actions assigned to either the Objective owner or other users.

The new Notes tab facilitates continuous progress notes, and collaboration. on this occasion the objective owner gets automatically notified by email when a Note is added by any user other than themselves.

Integrated, multi-level topics throughout

The new facility for multi-level topics gives you the option for much greater flexibility and granularity in your records and searches. For example, the ‘OHS’ topic may have sub-topics such as ‘Electrical safety’, ‘Manual handling etc.’ An alternative model may be for a topic based on an ISO standard may have sub-topics based on clauses of that standard. The new topic feature is shared across multiple modules throughout the software.

New Audit Templates to make your internal audits and inspections even easier

Qudos has provided a series of Audit templates with ready-made checklists to make your internal audits and inspections even easier. Your library can be further expanded with the facility to create your own custom templates.

Enhanced Injury management

The Injury Form has been greatly enhanced for Injury management – with extensive tools for logging employment details, insurance claims, rehabilitation and a Notes tab.

These are just a few of the significant enhancements that will help make your management system even better than before. We will be rolling this update out to cloud-hosted clients over the next couple of weeks with a release to self-hosted clients early in the new year. Contact us for more details.